historic Arkeos Mountain with the town of Fenesse at its base, early 1900's

Virgin Mary, St. Toros Church, Evereg now a mosque undergoing renovation, 2000, picture by Jack Der-Sarkissian
The purpose
of this society is strictly educational and charitiable, no one receiving any monetary benefits from the operation thereof.
Throughout the centuries, the two Armenian sections of the county of Develou in Turkey lived side
by side and shared all the joys and sorrows of life.
As a consequence of World War I and the deportations, our
homes and domiciles, as well as religious and national institutions, and our Mesrobian and Roupinian twin educational institutions
- the elevation of whose standards had been the primary objective of the two associations, were utterly destroyed.
The Mesrobian Association of Evereg and Roupinian Association of Fenesse consistently served their respective communities
through their fine educational and philanthropic projects.
WHEREAS, owing to a tragic stroke of fate, the two sections
have now become one community, with only one church, and deprived of the privilege of maintaining even an elementary school,
WHEREAS, having in view the responsibilities transmitted to us by our fathers concerning education and our
destitute survivors, and
WHEREAS, in response to the commendable aspiration of our countrymen now living in America
and overseas for cooperative endeavor and appeals with the same objective.
THEREFORE, authorized representatives
of the Mesrobian and Roupinian Societies met on April 17, 1955 and prepared the ground by signing an agreement for unification,
thereby putting an end to uncoordinated activities.
Our compatriots of New York, Detroit, and Los Angeles gathered
around the newly organized Union, and endowed it with the guiding principles of By-Laws and ratified them at the first Convention,
which was held on September 1, 1956, thereby rendering the Union an accomplished reality.